Saturday, December 19, 2009
bAstimc - Tony Hawk Ride Prov/Clips
have a look:
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
I just beat the 1million komboscore in thride... and i guess I'm the first one, who got that :)
I'll cap a video soon.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tony Hawk's Ride - Cool to play?
Huh there is a new Tony Hawk out there... and isnt that good as the older games. :(
New Tony Hawk, new developers (Robomodo), new controls (wirelessboard).
After my paristrip I went to GameStop to get my preordered game for my PS3. Well I played like for an hour and it's easy to play, even on Hardcore Mode.
Then I tried some modding related stuff, ripping the BluRay to get the Scripts... but no chance, the Data is packed in a 500mb ps3pak.hd file... Crap!
Ok another thing would be the controller workaround. Connected Keyboard + USB Boardreceiver to my XFPS Adapter and hoped that it would work to start. Fail! It tells me that the Board cannot be found. Aw :(....
Maybe I only should stay on the board playing THRide... :(
Friday, November 27, 2009
I'm at the moment in Paris visiting a good friend. Well I can't write about any emulationrelated progress so I decided to post an old Tutorial I've written more than two and a half years ago.
How to create TH-Game Quicklaunchshortcuts?
For what?
with it u can click on it ... then game starts ...loads your cas and goes automatically hosting or what ever you are doing with it
And how to do it?
ok i made u a list with the commands for the Aim-line:
-host -hostname "#ROOMNAME#"
-maxplayers #MAXCLIENTS#
-skilllevel #GAMETYPECMD#
-name "#PLAYERNAME#"
-ppass "#PLAYERPW#"
-password "#SERVERPW#"
-group #GROUPID#
-connect #SERVERIP#
-password "#SERVERPW#"
-name "#PLAYERNAME#"
-ppass "#PLAYERPW#"
-group #GROUPID#
Where I have to put it?
Create a shortcut somewhere ... ex.: desktop? and then right click on it -> Propreties
and write it into Aim:
"C:\Games\Activision\Tony Hawk's Underground 2\Game\THUG2.exe" -host -hostname "muh" -maxplayers 6 -name "bAst!.MC" -group #GPG!765
Lobbies aka -group which u need
...THPS3PC : #GSP!thps3pc
...THPS4PC : #GSP!thps4pc
...THUG1PC : #GPG!764
...THUG2PC : #GPG!765
...THAWPC Euope:#GPG!1832
...THAWPC West Coast:#GPG!1833
...THAWPC Midwest:#GPG!1834
...THAWPC East Coast: #GPG!1835
...THAWPC Newbies: #GPG!1836
I hope u enjoy your shortcut xD"
Sunday, November 15, 2009
THAW Skater Select Menufix
Ok I got the idea to play a bit around with the VUcompiler settings and deactivated the "Flush to Zero" and "Denormals are Zero" Checkboxes.
Any difference? Yes!
VS. |
Friday, November 13, 2009
So THP8 is running @ fullspeed 60fps...
and THAW with some speedhacks @ ~45fps.
We'll see what the next weeks will offer us.
Thanks Koji!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
the new PCSX2
today I tried the newer revisions of PCSX2 (newest r2191) ... and finally got them to work good with thps ...
thaw is almost running at full speed but there are too many times where the framerate is going down to 25 and that's still not that good for playing Atlanta. Marseille's average is between 50 and 75fps(capping with fraps ~45fps). Testlevel might be the only exception with running ~85fps.
On the other side... THP8 is running too fast now 120 - 150fps videos and menu, 50 - 85 fps ingame :D but when you're capping with fraps it's going down to 45 - 60fps.
Well THPG couldn't load the save from memorycard anymore so it's stuck loading/searching there.
Ok it's a great step to the speed up but everything over 60fps is too fast (: so they have to include a 60fps fix!
Let's see what will happen.
Monday, November 9, 2009
THAW Testlevel, THP8 + THPG Hidden Levels
I've 2 news for you. A good one and a not so good one :(.
Well I uploaded a new video showing THAW unlocking Testlevelspot with the Debugmenu + short footage and THP8 + THPG were included as well. But the bad news is that I'm still stuck in getting the Debugmenu for unlocking hidden levelspots(??????????). So I decided to put a short clip of Tony Hawk's Proving Ground in real gamespeed with Fraps.
After capping the THAW footage, I noticed that the game is almost running @ 100% (60fps) without capturing :D. But its only in the small Testlevel :(.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The Model-Level-Converting-Project
Playing Alcatraz(THPS4) in Tony Hawk's Underground? Might that be possible?
Fortunately it can be possible somewhen. Yosh64 went active again with working on THPS Data Formats.
The discussion thread is posted on HackTHPS.
Well so I gave a try with converting the Skateshop(known from THPS4) from THUG1 to THPS4. For getting the result I used Yosh's thug_2_thps4_mdl Converter.
And it worked.
Other levels haven't worked yet because there is scriptediting needed and we still haven't a clue what to do with the node_arrays etc exactly.
THAW Testlevel and Mainmenu
I just got the idea to try the Testlevel and Mainmenulevel in THAW PS2.
Well I unlocked:
The Testlevel is the only working one, so I could replace the Char Test with the Mainmenulevel.
And so I did. On the first try clicking on the Mainmenulevel the menu went back to the Mainmenu. Well so I have to give it an other try which came to the end that the game kinda stopped to run. It didn't crashed it got stuck. Ok why I should spend more time with that. On PC its runnning fine. :)
Fine I need something new. Like... THP8 Missing Levels.
I started like editing THAW by dummying some developer related bytes (DEVKIT_ONLY).
Now the levelselectmenu is showing 5 unlockable levels with the ?????????? String and the 6th unlocked Level is Test Bedroom which opens the Create A Skater Style Selection ('Choose Your Style'). At last the carreer level Training showed up. :)
For full unlock I'll need the debugmenu which I have to enable in the menu. In this case I have to replace a menuoption with the Debugmenu.
I already captured some clips for THAW but the next video will have missing THP8 too, so stay tuned.
Soon I'd try Tony Hawk's Proving Ground which is looking like THP8 with same clipping bugs. Why soon? The game hasn't some missing levels except some Testlevels("\LTestSkate9SouthwellI",...).
EDIT: I have now the same problem in THP8 and THPG. The debugmenu doesn't want to show up. The PauseMenu shows the same as before... like nothing changed. :( Even the decompressed script shows that it should work...

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Ahoi - THP8, THAW PS2
I just got the leet idea to create a blog because its easy to update it!
At the moment, I'm working on the THPS Games... to run them on the PlayStation 2 Emulator PCSX2.
I tried the games for years...
and finally they ran and got into the Menus.
And I decided to cap some videos to show how this is taking improvements.
The main idea was getting a Next-Gen title like Tony Hawk's Project 8 to the PC... Ok the PS2 version is just a port but who cares.
I installed Tortoise SVN and downloaded the latest Programcode to compile. After a lot of tries and Framework, SDKs and other installs it finished compiling the Emulator.
Anyway here is the first video I capped months ago.
Things I used:
Tony Hawk's Project 8 [NTSC][SLUS214.44]
# Pcsx2 version: r1558 (game runs since r1446 as I have tested <3)
# Cpu eerec on, vurec0 and vurec1 on, MTGS on
# Plugins used: Gsdx 0.1.15 r1553 (hardware dx10, SSE41), spu2-x 1.1.0
It was a cool moment when it started to run the mainmenu etc. Yeah the image qualitiy is fucked up but hey it's running :> .
So I started skating around.... skating around... oh crap! It just froze... hm there wasn't anything to do as waiting for a new GSdx graphicplugin.
And so I took my time looking into the Sourcecode.
Boom, I found their fix in the mainprogram(just comments but ok).
//case 0x10003c02: //Tony Hawks Project 8 uses this
// vif1Write32(mem & ~0x2, value << 16);
// break;
Ok, why I shouldn't try other options like running the Plugin in Softwarerendermode... And so I did. It almost looked perfect except the black corner on the bottom right. But the FPS lowered down to 15fps. That isn't playable.
The next revisions fixed some graphicmistakes in Hardwarerendermode...
and then the team came up to the idea to change the whole menu structure using WidgetX @ Revision >1770.
Duh. Revision 1674 was so smooth... and I'm still using this one.
I updated the sourcecode and the revision number climbed up to 2133... and the games aren't running at all. That's bad. So I just picked the newest Graphicplugin and my lovely 1674rev and it worked. And for example THP8(Tony Hawk's Project 8) got a better image quality. Nicely done!
And then I had to try the other games too. I just hoped that American Wasteland won't crash in Levelselectmenu. It didn't. Cool... I can play that too. Now I should try the levels the PC community is missing, Atlanta and Marseille(ported from Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2). problem...
Those levels aren't listed in there. :(
Ah... I just remembered that they only are included in the Collectors Edition of that game.
Well... no problem. Prepared with the programs UltraISO and Hex Workshop 6 I rushed into the DATAP.WAD File and searched the Levelmenu for unlocking the Collectors Edition. In case the level-, model-, ped-, img-, spritesfiles from the CE-Version are included into the normal game for onlinegaming reasons. And so I unlocked the the hidden levels by dummying the "collectors_edition_only" Bytes.
After packing the ISO File I finished the lil' work.
And so I capped some runs for you. I also added some clips from THP8. Enjoy it.
Tony Hawk's Project 8 [NTSC][SLUS214.44]
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland [NTSC][SLUS212.08]
# Pcsx2 version: r1674
# Cpu eerec on, vurec0 and vurec1 on, MTGS on, microVU on
# Plugins used: Gsdx 0.1.15 r2066 (hardware dx10, SSE41)
Ok that was it.
Greetz to Morten1337, Kamer, CHC, Yosh64, reaper, blµb, bi0hacker