I just got the idea to try the Testlevel and Mainmenulevel in THAW PS2.
Well I unlocked:
The Testlevel is the only working one, so I could replace the Char Test with the Mainmenulevel.
And so I did. On the first try clicking on the Mainmenulevel the menu went back to the Mainmenu. Well so I have to give it an other try which came to the end that the game kinda stopped to run. It didn't crashed it got stuck. Ok why I should spend more time with that. On PC its runnning fine. :)
Fine I need something new. Like... THP8 Missing Levels.
I started like editing THAW by dummying some developer related bytes (DEVKIT_ONLY).
Now the levelselectmenu is showing 5 unlockable levels with the ?????????? String and the 6th unlocked Level is Test Bedroom which opens the Create A Skater Style Selection ('Choose Your Style'). At last the carreer level Training showed up. :)
For full unlock I'll need the debugmenu which I have to enable in the menu. In this case I have to replace a menuoption with the Debugmenu.
I already captured some clips for THAW but the next video will have missing THP8 too, so stay tuned.
Soon I'd try Tony Hawk's Proving Ground which is looking like THP8 with same clipping bugs. Why soon? The game hasn't some missing levels except some Testlevels("\LTestSkate9SouthwellI",...).
EDIT: I have now the same problem in THP8 and THPG. The debugmenu doesn't want to show up. The PauseMenu shows the same as before... like nothing changed. :( Even the decompressed script shows that it should work...

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