Yeah, last time I tried to figure out going online with PCSX2.
At first I haven't known that I need a Network Access Disc or a game which includes the Configuration to play online. Well, so I asked a buddy to upload his NAD iso for me. Thx MaDetho :).
Then................... I gave it a try.

So it failed. Yesterday I got the idea to try it again, searching in PCSX2 and other forums. From there I've learned that you need the GiGaHeRz DEV9 0.30 Plugin and a DEV9 compatible PS2Bios(SCPH 3XXXX or 5XXXX). And so I downloaded the missing plugin and used my PS2Bios(SCPH 3XXXX).
After creating the NetConf File... it was time to try the internet connection.

And now on THAW.

Ok what is DNAS? DNAS is the Dynamic Network Authentication System created by Sony which is like a PC CDKey.
Cool and how it works?
The so called DISC ID is placed in an '*.img' file. :)
Finally I patched the moddedISO with the correct DISC ID and the result:

Now I'm online @ THAW woohoo :D and it works 100%. I had no crashs yet.
Video is coming soon.
Hi bAst. Stuny here, what about thps4-THUG2?
ReplyDeleteDo you remember sechrist topic about fixing thps games on PCSX2 forum?
THPS3 (offline and online :p) is running perfectly on my PCSX2 0.9.6 r1888 , then THPS4-THPG crash.
OK, THAW-THPG & GH3 work with GSDX10 SSE4 (SSE2 & SSSE3?) and some VU&EE recompiler changes. THAW-THPG have the same engine, THPS4-THUG2 are a little bit different, but i read this:
THPS4 & THUG seem to be runnable, have you ever tried something? i'm working on. Good luck, babye.
sorry the first url is:
ReplyDeleteTHPS3-THPG now go in-game.
ReplyDeleteNext step, fixing GFX.
THUG worked for me once but since latest revs not. I think ive missed something I did while mounting THUG image i guess. And I haven't tried other games except: THUG, THAW, THP8, THPG, Disney's ESA.