So I checked some forums and kernel extensions again but nothing helped. Cool I've found something interesting about the ATI 4830ies..... an acceleration kext..
oh geez the link is almost a year old and who the hell uploaded it onto
Netkas didn't showed any reactions on his blog yet. >>
On Macrumors Cindori came up with
1 Word: zeus
it's his FlashingTool
And so I gave a try aaaaaaaaaand......
.... it didn't helped on my Club 3D Ati Radeon 4830.
Installing the Natit didn't came up with anything new.
well that driver patch thing just let the signal disappearing after booting up(apple logo-> blue screen with mouse-> black screen: lost signal).
so ive deleted all ati+natit crap to get back onto my hackintosh :/
I just need something to get 3D Acceleration and the Fullscreen resolutions >1680x1050.
The max resolution I can get is 1400x1050 trough boot.plist (I have written 1920x1080 in it).
I'd think that accel kext might help but nobody has it. :(
mh I tried installing that QECI Patch agn and it came up to this: